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A ritual is a set of actions and tools combined together to achieve a desired result or outcome performed in a ceremonial and esoteric manner.


There are seven major parts going into a ritual[]

  • The focal point
  • The representation
  • The Intent
  • The Sanctuary
  • The Action
  • The Outcome
  • ===The focal point===

    This is the focus of the ritual, for example you wish to read about a certain event, and then that is the focal point.  Keep this in mind while doing the ritual.  It will help in achieving the desired outcome.

    The representation[]

    This is the representation of the focal point.  If you wish to know about this year you may wish to use the number 2012 as the representation.

    The representation is placed inside the funnel

    The intent[]

    The intent of having a ritual in the first place will factor in to the shape of the outcome, if the intent was bad while the ritual was to cause beneficiary goals then the outcome may not come out right.

    So make sure your intent are align with the main goal of the ritual.

    The funnel[]

    The funnel is the concentration of the representation.  This is where the representation is placed.  It can either be a pedestal or a sigil of power where the representation is placed.

    By doing so, this will accentuate the energy going into the focal point creating a possibility of success in the main aim of the ritual.

    The Sanctuary[]

    The Sanctuary is where you put yourself in, the sanctuary is like another funnel but where you placed yourself; it is a field of protection, unless of course if the focal point is yourself then the funnel is indeed the sanctuary.  It keeps energy in, and energy out making a field of protection which are impenetrable by usual methods.

    In creating a sanctuary one can create runes or sigils to wrap around yourself or simpler methods are a circle of candles or even rocks or petals of flowers depending on the type of energy you wish to convey.

    The Action[]

    On the whole is everything that is inside the ritual as well as in between it.  This means you may sing, dance, speak in tongues, or draw runes in the air in order to shape or control the energy.

    To know if the action is working or not you will feel a certain kind of resonance inside you or a feeling in the air.

    The Outcome[]

    This is the culmination of the five previous parts acting together to achieve the resulting outcome.   Do not be disappointed as affecting anything in the form of rituals takes years of practice and a lot of intent.

    Lesson 1: Truth Seeking Rituals'[]

    A truth seeking rituals are used for finding out truths or facts about a certain person, whether it is you or another subject, an object or a location.

    The lesson is divided into the type of rituals, instructions, and explanation.

    1a) True Name Ritual'[]


    Place a rope on the ground matching end to end in a circle.

      • (Optional) get four candles and place them around the circle in each corner creating a square, light all of them.
      • Sit in the middle of the circle, with your legs cross and meditate.
      • As you meditate ask to the higher power, whoever that may be and ask for your true name
      • Wait for the name to appear in your consciousness


    In this case, both the focal point and representation are the same thing, you. 

      • The funnel and sanctuary are the same, that being the circle and the candles on the outside, this concentrate the energy on the inside and keep it there, as well as keeping other energy out. 
      • The intent is you trying to find out your true name, which is aligned with the ritual goal. 
      • The actions are you placing the rope in a ring, and placing 4 candles around it, and then sitting in the middle of it and meditating. 
      • The outcome is obvious, you finding out your true name.

    1b) Finding out about a person ritual'


      • Draw two circles on the ground 1 around the other with chalk.
      • Place a picture or an object representing person in question in the first set of circles.
      • Draw two circles on the ground 1 around the other with chalk about a metre away from the other circle.
      • Place candles around the first set of circle
      • Place candles around the second set and light all candles.
      • Sit in the second set of circles and meditate
      • Ask a question with your mind for the higher power to tell about that person’s characteristic
      • Wait for the answer; it may come in the form of metaphorical images.


      • In this ritual, the focal point is the person in question.
      • The representation is the picture of the person, or the object representing the person, usually an object owned by the person.
      • The intent is to find out about the person
      • The funnel is the first set of circles which contain the picture
      • The sanctuary is the second set of circles and candles around it.
      • The actions are the drawing of the circles and placement of candles, photograph/object of representation, asking of the higher power and meditation.
      • The outcome is the finding out of the needed answer.

    1c) Finding out about an object ritual'


      • Draw two circles on the ground 1 around the other with chalk.
      • Place a picture of the object or the object itself in the first set of circles.
      • Draw two circles on the ground 1 around the other with chalk about a metre away from the other circle.
      • Place candles around the first set of circle
      • Place candles around the second set and light all candles.
      • Sit in the second set of circles and meditate
      • Ask a question with your mind for the higher power to tell about that object/s
      • Wait for the answer; it may come in the form of metaphorical images.


      • In this ritual, the focal point is the object you are enquiring about.
      • The representation is the picture of the photo of the object or the object itself.
      • The intent is to find out about the object
      • The funnel is the first set of circles which contain the picture/object
      • The sanctuary is the second set of circles and candles around it.
      • The actions are the drawing of the circles and placement of candles, photograph of object/object itself, asking of the higher power and meditation.
      • The outcome is the finding out of the needed answer.

    1d) finding out about a location ritual'


      • Draw two circles on the ground 1 around the other with chalk.
      • Place a picture or an object representing the location in question in the first set of circles.
      • Draw two circles on the ground 1 around the other with chalk about a metre away from the other circle.
      • Place candles around the first set of circle
      • Place candles around the second set and light all candles.
      • Sit in the second set of circles and meditate
      • Ask a question with your mind for the higher power to tell about the location’s facts and details
      • Wait for the answer; it may come in the form of metaphorical images.


      • In this ritual, the focal point is the location.
      • The representation is the picture of the location, or the object representing the location, you can use a model of the location.
      • The intent is to find out about the location.
      • The funnel is the first set of circles which contain the picture/object of representation.
      • The sanctuary is the second set of circles and candles around it.
      • The actions are the drawing of the circles and placement of candles, photograph/object of representation, asking of the higher power and meditation.
      • The outcome is the finding out of the needed answer.

    Lesson 2: Fortune Telling Rituals'

    Fortune telling rituals are used to tell and/or predict the future.

    The lesson is divided into the type of rituals, instructions, and explanation.

    2a) Fortune Telling by Fire[]


    ·         Set up a campfire, and draw a circle around it

    ·         Sits in the circle

    ·         Concentrate on the fire, and says show me visions of what may come.

    ·         From the image you can see in the flame, interpret what they mean.


    ·         The focal point is the future

    ·         The circle in this case is regarded as both the sanctuary, and funnel

    ·         The representation is the fire.

    ·         Intent is to find out the future

    ·         Action is setting up the circle and campfire, and asking higher power to show vision/image

    ·         The outcome is the vision/image in the flame.


    2b) Fortune Telling By Water[]


    ·         Sit in front of a bowl of water

    ·         Draw circle around you and bowl of water

    ·         Concentrate at the bowl of water and look at the surface

    ·         Ask for visions of the future, and wait for the images to be shown.


    ·         The focal point is the future

    ·         The circle in this case is regarded as both the sanctuary, and funnel

    ·         The representation is the surface of water

    ·         Intent is to find out the future

    ·         Action is setting up the circle and bowl of water, and asking higher power to show vision/image

    ·         The outcome is the vision/image in the surface of the water.


    2c) Fortune Telling by Air[]


    ·         Draw a circle on the grass, or use a rope that wraps in a circle.

    ·         Lie down in the middle of the circle and enter state of relaxation

    ·         Ask higher power for visions of the future while looking up at the clouds

    ·         See the image form in the clouds and interpret what they mean.


    ·         The focal point is the future

    ·         The circle in this case is regarded as both the sanctuary, and funnel

    ·         The representation is the clouds.

    ·         Intent is to find out the future

    ·         Action is setting up the circle and looking up at the clouds, and asking higher power to show vision/image

    ·         The outcome is the vision/image in the clouds.


    2d) Fortune Telling by Earth[]


    ·         Wrap a long rope in a large circle around you

    ·         Ask for visions of the future from higher being

    ·         Throw either rocks or bones on the dirt in front of you, while still remaining in the circle

    ·         See the images form on the dirt in front of you by the bones or rocks and interpret what they mean.


    ·         The focal point is the future

    ·         The circle in this case is regarded as both the sanctuary, and funnel

    ·         The representation is the rocks, bones and dirt.

    ·         Intent is to find out the future

    ·         Action is setting up the circle, rocks or bones, and asking higher power to show vision/image

    ·         The outcome is the vision/image in the dirt formed by the rocks or bones.

    Lesson 3: Protection Rituals[]


    Protection rituals are used to set a field of protection around you in a set area.

    The lesson is divided into the type of rituals, instructions, and explanation.


    3a) Protection Ritual using visualized lines[]


    ·         Walk around your room and visualize a line tracing from each corner of the room

    ·         Look up and visualize a line going up from floor to ceiling

    ·         Look at the ceiling and trace a line from each corner to corner

    ·         In effective setting up a box of protection

    ·         Make sure that you think protective field as you go along.

    ·         This will keep all outside entities out.

    ·         This can be done for all the rooms in your house.


    ·         The focal point is your safety

    ·         In this case, the funnel, sanctuary, and representation is the visualized lines

    ·         The intent is your safety

    ·         The action is walking around the house and visualizing lines from corner to corner

    ·         The outcome being your safety

    3b) Protection Ritual using item or object of representation[]


    ·         You need rocks, items, or toys for this.

    ·         Walk around the house and placed an object on each side of the entry way you want protected

    ·         While saying with this [toy] I entrust my safety

    ·         Walk inside and have a rest.

    ·         This ritual can be done in conjunction with the first ritual


    ·         The focal point, intent and outcome is your safety

    ·         The funnel, sanctuary, and representation are the object

    ·         The action being you walking around the house and placing an object infuses with your intent of your safety in different spot.

    Lesson 4: Connection Severing/Binding Rituals[]

    Connection severing ritual is used to cut any ties between two or more people, while connection binding ritual is used to tie two or more people together energy wise.

    The lesson is divided into the type of rituals, instructions, and explanation.

    4a) Connection Severing Ritual[]


    ·         Draw a magic circle on the ground

    ·         Placed a picture of two or more people in it or use a piece of paper with both their names on it

    ·         Draw another circle around you and the first circle

    ·         Use scissors to cut the names apart while saying with this scissor I cut the connection between you.


    ·         The focal point, intent and outcome is the cutting of ties

    ·         The representation is the cutting of paper or photo

    ·         The sanctuary is the outer circle

    ·         The funnel is the circle where the picture or paper is rested

    ·         The action being you placed the photo inside a circle of power and then cutting it, and drawing a greater circle around you.

    4b) Connection Binding Ritual[]


    ·         Draw a magic circle on a table

    ·         Draw a magic circle around the table

    ·         Using two dolls marked with a person’s name on it tie a rope between the dolls while saying with this rope I bind thee, with this knot you are bound.


    ·         The focal point, intent and outcome is the binding of the two people

    ·         The representations are the dolls and rope.

    ·         The funnel is the magic circle on the table and the table itself

    ·         The sanctuary is the outer magic circle

    ·         The action is you drawing the two circles, and the tying up of the two dolls with the piece of rope


    Lesson 5: Cleansing/Rebirthing Rituals[]

    Cleansing Rituals are used to removed unwanted energy from the body in effectively cleaning the body system.

    Rebirthing Rituals are used to realign oneself so that they may start from a completely new point in effectively starting from scratch.

    The lesson is divided into the type of rituals, instructions, and explanation.

    5a) Cleansing Ritual[]


    ·         (Optional) take with you some scented candles to the bathroom and set them up around the bath, once done light the candles.

    ·         Visualize lines around the bathtub

    ·         Fill the bathtub with water and jump in.

    ·         As you clean yourself with soap, chant “With each rubbing of the skin, I remove all unwanted grimes, cleansing away all of my taint that which kept my light faint so that my light will truly and fully grow and glow once again”.


    ·         Focal Point, Intent and outcome is to cleanse away all unwanted energy from your body system.

    ·         Representation is the act of cleaning your body with soap and water.

    ·         Sanctuary is the visualized lines around the bathtub

    ·         The funnel is the bathtub

    ·         The action is lighting of the candles, visualizing the lines around the bathtub, and cleansing your body with soap and water.


    5b) Rebirthing Ritual[]


    ·         Draw a circle and light 4 candles around it

    ·         Sit inside the circle and meditate.

    ·         As you enter a relax state says “with the fire around me, burn all that sits inside this circle away, so that I may be reborn yet again”

    ·         Visualize the fire around you increasing in intensity and that it spins around you wrapping around you in fire.

    ·         Burning all of you away.

    ·         Visualize the fire clearing away.

    ·         Get up and put the fire out.


    ·         Focal Point, Intention and Outcome are the rebirthing of you spiritually.

    ·         Representation is the visualization of fire burning you away.

    ·         Funnel and Sanctuary is the circle.

    ·         Action is the drawing of circle and lighting of candles, the visualization and the chant.


    Lesson 6: Invocation/Summoning Rituals[]

    Invocation rituals are used to bring out the inert power that lies dormant in an object or being.

    Summoning Rituals are used to summon either an object of power or a spiritual being.

    The lesson is divided into the type of rituals, instructions, and explanation.

    6a) Invocation Ritual[]


    ·         Draw a magic circle on the ground

    ·         Place a coral in the circle

    ·         Draw another circle around you and the other circle.

    ·         Chant “By heaven’s above I request that the coral inside the circle be invoked, bringing forth its inner energy, showing for all to see its true power and form”


    ·         Focal point, intent, representation and outcome is to bring out the coral’s inert power

    ·         Funnel is the circle where the coral is placed.

    ·         Sanctuary is the outer circle.

    ·         Action is the drawing of the circle, placing the coral into the circle, drawing an outer circle and the chanting of those words.

    6b) Summoning Ritual[]


    ·         Draw two magic circle, one around you and one a few metres away from you

    ·         Say “By the heaven’s might I invoke the seal of summoning, by my life I summon thee [object of power/creature], come forth and show yourself to me”


    ·        Focal point, intent, representation and outcome is the summoning of said object of power or creature

    ·        Sanctuary is the circle around you

    ·        Funnel is the circle where you want the object of power to come from

    ·        Action is the drawing of two circle, standing in one circle, chanting and drawing forth the object of power, or being.

    Lesson 7: Enchanting Rituals[]

    Enchanting rituals are used to imbue an element into an object of your choosing giving them that element’s properties.

    The lesson is divided into the type of rituals, instructions, and explanation.

    7a) Enchanting object with Fire[]


    ·         Build a small fire

    ·         Draw a circle around you and the fire

    ·         Get a stick and stick it in the ground

    ·         Tie a ring to the stick

    ·         Say these words “Oh element of fire, the great cleanser of life, I request by these kindling I placed into you, a small gift you would give, imbue my ring with your power of fire and I promise thee I will bring you  kindling every night for 5 straight night.


    ·         Focal point, intent, and outcome are the imbuing of the ring with fire element.

    ·         Sanctuary, and funnel is the circle

    ·         Representation is the fire burning

    ·         Actions   is the chanting, drawing of the circle, and promise of feeding the fire with kindling for five straight nights.

    7b) Enchanting object with Nature[]


    ·         Place a rock within a circle

    ·         Draw a circle around you

    ·         Oh Mother Earth, I request of thee bring forth great nature inside this stone, imbued with your growth, and nurture it to full bloom, do this for me and I will water the plants for five straight days.


    ·         Focal point, intent, and outcome are the imbuing of the stone with nature

    ·         Sanctuary, and funnel are the circles

    ·         Representation is the rock inside the circle

    ·         Actions   is the chanting, drawing of the circle, and promise of watering the  plants for five straight days.

    7c) Enchanting object with Wind[]


    ·         On a windy day

    ·         Draw a circle and placed a stick with a ring tied to it at the centre of the circle

    ·         Draw another circle around you

    ·         Say these words “Oh god of wind, oh breath of air, I plead to you breathe on this ring, so that it may hold some properties of your abilities.  Do this and I will open my window for you for 5 straight night and 5 straight days.


    ·         Focal point, intent, and outcome are the imbuing of the ring with wind element.

    ·         Sanctuary, and funnel are the circles

    ·         Representation is the wind blowing

    ·         Actions   is the chanting, drawing of the circle, and promise of opening of the windows for five straight nights and five straight days.

    7d) Enchanting object with Lightning[]


    ·         On a stormy day

    ·         Draw a circle and placed a stick with a ring tied to it at the centre of the circle

    ·         Draw another circle around you

    ·         Say “Oh mighty storm, roaring out mighty sound, searer of sky, strike that ring down, bring forth its power and give it your strength, do this and I will prostrate before your magnificence.


    ·         Focal point, intent, and outcome are the imbuing of the ring with lightning.

    ·         Sanctuary, and funnel are the circles

    ·         Representation is the storm outside

    ·         Actions   is the chanting, drawing of the circles, and promise of prostrating to the storm.
